Monday, March 14, 2011


What is an agreement? In a dictionary it states an agreement is the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement. When we talk about agreement in grammar it means when words have a grammatical relationship which affects the form of one or more of the elements then they agree. THREE GIRLS shows agreement because the noun (girls) has the plural inflection (word forms can be changed when a suffix or prefix is added to it), which is required by the number. It is another way of saying concord.

Grammar point:
The subject and verb of a sentence must "agree" with one another. If you use a singular subject, use a singular verb. If you use a plural subject, use a plural verb.


Elizabeth wants to go bowling. (Elizabeth and wants agree because they are both singular)

Her parents want to go bowling, too. (Parents and want agree because they are both plural)

Agreement(noun) - the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement; concord

Arrangement (noun)- the manner or way in which things are arranged;
arrange -to place in proper, desired, or convenient order

Mutual (adjective) - common to or shared by both or all of two or more parties

Relationship (noun) -a connection, association, or involvement

Concord(noun) - agreement

Number (noun) -a word or symbol, or a combination of words or symbols, used in counting or in noting a total.

Review the definitions of the vocabulary words and select the correct word to fill in the blank of the sentences below:

We had an _____________ when we both decided to move to another state.

The fans showed up in large  _____________ to view the Justin Beiber movie.

There was complete ____________among the delegates.

The father and son have a great ___________ that people think they are best friends.

The teacher and student showed one another _______________ respect during class and outside of class.

The _____________ with the rebels lasted only two weeks.

When we decided to open the restaurant together, we made an ______________ to split the profits.

To learn more about subject-verb agreement click on the following link Subject-verb agreement

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